Privacy Policy

This SEO with Julhas privacy policy document belongs to this platform, website, SEO agency, and business. The document contains information on how we collect, process, use, and store data we receive from our visitors. 

We ensure that the information users entrust us with is kept safe, using the latest security technology. We will do everything humanly possible to ensure the information you provide on this website remains secure.

SEO with Julhas, the owner of this website, and anyone he wishes to delegate power to regarding the modification of this privacy policy document, can alter, change, modify, or readjust any section of this document without prior notice. We will not be held liable should the un-notified changes lead to pain, discomfort, disappointment, damages, or losses. 

By navigating this website, you have automatically agreed to abide by the policies herein. You can discontinue using this site if you don’t wish to comply with the privacy policy. 

What We May Collect:

We may request/collect information such as

  • Email address
  • Contact information
  • Business address
  • Business name
  • Personal name and position in the company
  • Browsing and traffic information are used to analyze the website.

What We May Use Information We Collect For

The information we collect or request from our users is used legally. We do not sell, distribute, or give out users’ information for reasons different from the ones mentioned here. 

The information we collect from our users enables us to serve you better. We use the information to tailor our services to meet our client’s needs. 

The only occasion we may have no option but to make users’ information available to a third party is when the law permits it. We may hand users’ information to law enforcement as the law requests. We may also make users’ information available if doing so can help save the person’s life. 

Links To Other Websites

 Should you encounter links to third-party sites on this platform, read the privacy policy on the third-party site thoroughly and ensure you understand it before making any commitment, whether financial or otherwise. 

SEO with Julhas does not have control over the content on third-party sites and their owners’ behavior. Julhas cannot vouch for them. Therefore, we will not be held liable should any issue arising from your use of a third-party website occur.

The Site Uses Cookies

We declare to all our users that this site uses cookies and that cookies are harmless. They are not going to jeopardize your site’s security. Cookies help store, save, and track users’ data, helping to improve the site’s user experience. 

Change of Privacy Policy:

We reserve the right to change the privacy policy, which is this document, without prior notice to our users/visitors on this platform. We can modify, change, alter, remove, add, or rewrite any part of the document without prior notice. 

We will not be held liable for any pain, damage, disappointments, or losses experienced by reason of the modification done on this document. All changes become effective once published. 

Contact Us:

I appreciate your patronage, visits, inquiries, reviews, feedback, tips, and contributions one way or the other. I, Julhas, want to keep helping businesses grow online, which was why I created this platform in the first place. So, feel free to share your ideas, tips, or observations with me. 

You can reach me via mail: I look forward to working with you.